Who would have thought XBONG stands for X-ray bright optically normal galaxy… 😉

Merry Christmas…

Since I’m leaving over Christmas, not that it would make a difference for the Blog ;-), I wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas and some nice holidays…

Finally changed the front page template

Finally got rid of the ESA news on the front page, which haven’t gotten any update for a long time, and changed the template, so that the last 5 entries are shown and not those of the last n days. That was just looking too empty 😉


Now I haven’t been on my own blog for so long, that I didn’t even notice my Apache was misconfigured after updating and moving the directory… I should really invest a little bit more time into this again…

Elves whispering

Kero” just told me that an elf had said I should put more personal things on here… definately true. Content is missing here in any way for sure. I’m just a little busy lately with university and trying to set up a new server.

Btw… it was this elf: www.stadtelfe.com 😉