Server Move / Rewrite Problems

Been quite a few days since I moved the blog to a new server, but I only just discovered that I forgot to copy the URL rewriting rules over. Well now I just did that and all links (archive/feeds/…) should work again.


Just got a mail saying that

a fast CME is passing Earth right now.
So there is a good chance to see aurora from now on. put an “Aurora Alert” note on their frontpage, so everyone have a look…

RSS feeds from arXiv and NASA ADS

I’ve been using a RSS feed aggregator for blogs and news sites for quite a while and I have also been doing the same queries on ADS regularly as well as looking at the updated listings for astro-ph on So I’m finally using RSS feeds for my standard queries on ADS… simply scroll to the bottom of a result page for your specific search and you will find a link to the RSS feed. On arXiv I’m not using the feed from, well I’m actually using so that the links point to the German mirror. More info can be found at and